Exporting Cubes

After selecting a cube the user may use the Export Cube button to export the selected cube into a file. The cube can be exported in the ENVI format.

The user will be asked for a file name to export the cube as. Once selected the cube will be written to that file.

If the user has previously cropped the cube and/or applied a software binning to the cube, those will also be applied when exporting the cube. Otherwise the cube will be exported as-is, without any changes to the data loaded into the project.

If the cube’s actual data is in intensities, but the project is working with reflectances and the cube has a white reference assigned to it, the exported cube will still be stored as intensities, and the white and dark references will be stored alongside the cube.

Cubes stored by fluxTrainer will conain additional metadata that indicates the device type, the value type, and the calibration settings the user specified for the cube. If a cube exported thusly is reimported into fluxTrainer, those metadata will also be reimported. However, other software will likely not understand this additional metadata.


Only the raw data of the cube will be saved when using this feature. If the user has stepped forward to a filter that displays data in a different manner, that will not be the data that will be exported.