Measurements (HSI Cubes, etc.)


class LuxFlux.fluxEngineNET.MeasurementList : IDisposable

A measurement list

This contains a list of measurements.

Public Functions

ValueType? GetValueType (int index)

Get the value type of a measurement

Get the value type of the data in a given measurement. This indicates a measurement was made in intensities or reflectances.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


The value type of the measurement, if it is one of the supported types in the ValueType enumeration, or null if the value type could not be determined or it is a non-supported type.

string GetName (int index)

Get the name of the measurement

Many file formats allow the user to specify a name for a given measurement. If such a name is present it will be returned.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


The name of the measurement, if set, null otherwise

string GetDescription (int index)

Get the description of the measurement

Many file formats allow the user to specify a description for a given measurement. If such a description is present it will be returned.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


The description of the measurement, if set, null otherwise

Structure GetStructure (int index)

Get the tensor structure of a measurement.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


The tensor structure of a measurement

unsafe IntPtr GetRawData (int index)

Get the raw data of the measurement

This unsafe method returns the raw pointer to the memory region that contains the data of the measurement

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


A pointer to the raw data of the measurement

UIntPtr GetRawDataSize (int index)

Get the size of the memory area storing the raw data of the measurement (in bytes)

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


The size of the memory area containing the raw data of the measurement, in bytes

ReadOnlyTensorView GetTensorView (int index)

Get a tensor view of the raw data of the measurement

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


A tensor view of the raw data of the measurement

unsafe void CopyInto (int index, IntPtr targetPointer, DataType dataType, Int64[] dimensions, Int64[] strides = null)

Copy the data of the measurement into a user-provided memory region

This unsafe method copies the raw data of the measurement into a memory region provided by the user.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list

Param targetPointer:

The raw pointer of the target memory region to copy the data into

Param dataType:

The data type of the target memory region. This must be provided by the user so that a check can be performed that the data type matches.

Param dimensions:

The dimensions of the target memory region. This must be provided by the user so that a check can be performed that the data type matches.

Param strides:

The strides of the target memory region. If null trivial strides are assumed.

void CopyInto (int index, GenericTensor tensor)

Copy the data of the measurement into a user-supplied tensor

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list

Param tensor:

The tensor to copy the data into. It must have the correct structure to fit the measurement data.

CalibrationInfo GetCalibrationInfo (int index)

Get the calibration info of the measurement.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


The calibration info for the given measurement

bool IsIlluminationCorrected (int index)

Get whether the measurement was already illumination corrected.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


Whether the measurement as already illumination corrected

bool HasReference (int index, string referenceName)

Does a given measurement have a specific reference?

Sometimes the file format loaders are able to automatically load reference data that was stored in conjunction with the actual measurement. This method returns whether such reference data for a given measurement exists.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list

Param referenceName:

The name of the reference. This must be "WhiteReference", "DarkReference", or "IlluminationReference" at the moment. (This is case-sensitive.)


Whether a specific reference measurement is present in the measurement

Structure GetReferenceStructure (int index, string referenceName)

Get the tensor structure of a reference measurement

Sometimes the file format loaders are able to automatically load reference data that was stored in conjunction with the actual measurement. This method returns whether such reference data for a given measurement exists.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list

Param referenceName:

The name of the reference. This must be "WhiteReference", "DarkReference", or "IlluminationReference" at the moment. (This is case-sensitive.)

unsafe IntPtr GetReferenceRawData (int index, string referenceName)

Get the raw data of a reference measurement

This unsafe method copies the raw data of the measurement’s reference into a memory region provided by the user.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list

Param referenceName:

The name of the reference. This must be "WhiteReference", "DarkReference", or "IlluminationReference" at the moment. (This is case-sensitive.)


A pointer to the raw data of the measurement’s reference

UIntPtr GetReferenceRawDataSize (int index, string referenceName)

Get the size of the memory area storing the raw data of the measurement’s reference (in bytes)

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list

Param referenceName:

The name of the reference. This must be "WhiteReference", "DarkReference", or "IlluminationReference" at the moment. (This is case-sensitive.)


The size of the memory area containing the raw data of the measurement’s reference, in bytes

ReadOnlyTensorView GetReferenceTensorView (int index, string referenceName)

Get a tensor view of the raw data of the measurement’s reference

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list

Param referenceName:

The name of the reference. This must be "WhiteReference", "DarkReference", or "IlluminationReference" at the moment. (This is case-sensitive.)


A tensor view of the raw data of the measurement’s reference

unsafe void CopyReferenceInto (int index, string referenceName, IntPtr targetPointer, DataType dataType, Int64[] dimensions, Int64[] strides)

Copy the data of the measurement’s reference into a user-provided memory region

This unsafe method copies the raw data of the measurement into a memory region provided by the user.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list

Param referenceName:

The name of the reference. This must be "WhiteReference", "DarkReference", or "IlluminationReference" at the moment. (This is case-sensitive.)

Param targetPointer:

The raw pointer of the target memory region to copy the data into

Param dataType:

The data type of the target memory region. This must be provided by the user so that a check can be performed that the data type matches.

Param dimensions:

The dimensions of the target memory region. This must be provided by the user so that a check can be performed that the data type matches.

Param strides:

The strides of the target memory region. If null trivial strides are assumed.

void CopyReferenceInto (int index, string referenceName, GenericTensor tensor)

Copy the data of the measurement’s reference into a user-supplied tensor

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list

Param referenceName:

The name of the reference. This must be "WhiteReference", "DarkReference", or "IlluminationReference" at the moment. (This is case-sensitive.)

Param tensor:

The tensor to copy the data into. It must have the correct structure to fit the measurement’s reference’s data.

bool IsHSICube (int index)

Is a given measurement a HSI cube?

While the only format supported as of now is ENVI, future versions of fluxEngine will support other types of measurements. For this reason this function exists to check whether a measurement that was loaded from disk is actually a HSI cube.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


Whether a specific measurement is a HSI cube

double[] GetWavelengths (int index)

Obtain the wavelengths of a given measurement

Formats that store spectral data, such as ENVI for hyperspectral data cubes, come with information about which wavelengths are assigned to the spectral dimension of the data.

Param index:

The index of the measurement, starting at 0 for the first measurement in the list


The list of wavelengths associated with the spectral dimension of the measurement

void Dispose ()

Dispose of this object

This will free all resources associated with this object. The object should not be used anymore after a call to this method.


int Count { get; set; }

The number of measurements in the measurement list.

Public Static Functions

MeasurementList CreateForHSICube (Handle handle, MeasurementHSICubeMemoryInput input)

Create a new HSI cube measurement from raw data

Creates a measurement list that contains a single HSI cube measurement from raw data that the user must supply. Please see the MeasurementHSICubeMemoryInput structure for further details on the data that must be provided for this to succeed.

The resulting measurement list may then be saved via one of the overloads of the IO.SaveMeasurementList() functions.

A copy of the data provided by the user will be created in this function. The user should ensure that there is enough RAM available to store such a copy.

Param handle:

The fluxEngine handle

Param input:

The input parameters required to create the measurement


The newly created measurement list

MeasurementList CreateForHSICube (Handle handle, ProcessingQueueSet queueSet, MeasurementHSICubeMemoryInput input)

Create a new HSI cube measurement from raw data

Creates a measurement list that contains a single HSI cube measurement from raw data that the user must supply. Please see the MeasurementHSICubeMemoryInput structure for further details on the data that must be provided for this to succeed.

The resulting measurement list may then be saved via one of the overloads of the IO.SaveMeasurementList() functions.

A copy of the data provided by the user will be created in this function. The user should ensure that there is enough RAM available to store such a copy.

This overload allows the user to specify a processing queue set to perform any data processing that may be required when creating the cube. If an invalid processing queue set is specified the default processing queue set of the handle will be used, instead, which is equivalent to calling the overload without the queueSet parameter.

Param handle:

The fluxEngine handle

Param queueSet:

The processing queue set to use for processing

Param input:

The input parameters required to create the measurement


The newly created measurement list

MeasurementList CreateForHSICube (Handle handle, ProcessingQueueSet queueSet, MeasurementHSICubeBufferInput input)

Create a new HSI cube measurement from PushBroom buffers

This will create a new HSI cube measurement from a set of PushBroom buffer containers the user must provide. This is useful if the user created one or more buffer containers via the Util.CreateBufferContainer() overload that accepts a recording context, and added data to them via BufferContainer.AddLastResult() to record data from a device. In that case the recording can be combined to a HSI cube that the user may then save to disk.

The list of buffers should be provided via the input parameter in form of a MeasurementHSICubeBufferInput structure. See the documentation of that structure for details on what is required to be specified.

The resulting measurement list may then be saved via one of the overloads of the IO.SaveMeasurementList() functions.

A copy of the data provided by the user will be created in this function. The user should ensure that there is enough RAM available to store such a copy.

This overload allows the user to specify a processing queue set to perform any data processing that may be required when creating the cube. If an invalid processing queue set is specified the default processing queue set of the handle will be used, instead, which is equivalent to calling the overload without the queueSet parameter.

Param handle:

The fluxEngine handle

Param queueSet:

The processing queue set to use for processing

Param input:

The input parameters required to create the measurement


The newly created measurement list

class Structure

Measurement structure

This describes the tensor structure of a measurement. It is returned by either MeasurementList.GetStructure() or MeasurementList.GetReferenceStructure() and describes the tensor that contains the measurement data.


DataType DataType { get; set; }

The data type of the measurement.

int Order { get; set; }

The tensor order of the measurement

For HSI cubes this will be 3.

Int64[] Dimensions { get; set; }

The dimensions of the measurement

Int64[] Strides { get; set; }

The strides of the measurement

The strides are only relevant when accessing the internal data directly without making a copy, via the MeasurementList.GetRawData() or MeasurementList.GetReferenceRawData methods.


class LuxFlux.fluxEngineNET.MeasurementHSICubeMemoryInput

Input data for creating a HSI cube measurement

This structure may be used when creating a measurement from data that is stored in user memory.

Public Members

string Name

The name of the measurement (this may be null)

DataType DataType = DataType.UInt8

The scalar data type of the measurement.

ValueType ValueType = ValueType.Intensity

The value type of the measurement

This indicates if the measurement was made in intensities or reflectances.

HSICube_StorageOrder StorageOrder = HSICube_StorageOrder.BIP

The storage order of the user-supplied data

Note that internally the storage order will always be converted to BIP storage order. This here indicates only the order in which the user has stored the data.

ReadOnlyTensorView Data

A tensor view of the data the user wants to provide

It is up to the user to construct this tensor view object correctly for the data they provide.

double[] Wavelengths

A vector of the wavelengths of the cube

The number of wavelengths must match the corresponding dimension of the supplied cube data.

MeasurementHSICubeMemoryInput WhiteReference = null

Optional: the white reference measurement

If not null this should point to a structure of the same type that contains the data of the white reference.

MeasurementHSICubeMemoryInput DarkReference = null

Optional: the dark reference measurement

If not null this should point to a structure of the same type that contains the data of the dark reference.

MeasurementHSICubeMemoryInput IlluminationReference = null

Optional: the illumination reference measurement

If not null this should point to a structure of the same type that contains the data of the illumination reference.

CalibrationInfo CalibrationInfo = null

Optional: calibration info of the cube

bool IsIlluminationCorrected = false

Optional: indicate that the measurement has already been illumination corrected

If the measurement is in intensities (or radiances), if this is true it indicates that the illumination correction has already been performed for this measurement.


class LuxFlux.fluxEngineNET.MeasurementHSICubeBufferInput

Input data for creating a HSI cube measurement from buffer containers

This structure describes the information required to create a HSI cube measurement a list of BufferContainer objects that the user has used to record data via a recording processing context.

Public Members

string Name

The name of the measurement (this may be null)

ValueType ValueType = ValueType.Intensity

The value type of the measurement

This indicates if the measurement was made in intensities or reflectances.

BufferContainer[] BufferContainers

The buffer containers to concatenate

The structure of the buffer containers is verified to be compatible with a HSI cube structure. It is assumed that the data in the containers is in BIP storage order, as that is the storage order returned by all recording processing contexts.

All buffer containers must match in structure, but may contain a varying number of lines. They will all be concatenated.

double[] Wavelengths

A vector of the wavelengths of the cube

The number of wavelengths must match the corresponding dimension of the supplied buffer containers.

ReferenceMeasurement WhiteReference = null

Optional: the white reference

The user may provide the same structure that is also returned by the context creation functions to indicate that the white reference should be saved together with the measurement.

ReferenceMeasurement DarkReference = null

Optional: the dark reference

The user may provide the same structure that is also returned by the context creation functions to indicate that the dark reference should be saved together with the measurement.

ReferenceMeasurement IlluminationReference = null

Optional: the illumination reference

The user may provide the same structure that is also returned by the context creation functions to indicate that the illumination reference should be saved together with the measurement.

CalibrationInfo CalibrationInfo = null

Optional: calibration info of the cube

bool IsIlluminationCorrected = false

Optional: indicate that the measurement has already been illumination corrected

If the measurement is in intensities (or radiances), if this is true it indicates that the illumination correction has already been performed for this measurement.