.NET Reference Documentation
- Version Information
- Error Handling
- ErrorCode
- Error
- ObjectNoLongerValidError
- LicenseError
- InitializationError
- ModelLoadError
- ProcessingContextCreationError
- InputDimensionError
- InputStrideError
- InputBufferIncompatibleError
- OutputIntrospectionError
- ProcessingContextTypeMismatchError
- ProcessingError
- ParameterError
- DeviceError
- DeviceEnumerationError
- DeviceConnectionError
- InstrumentDeviceError
- LightControlDeviceError
- Library Setup and Driver Paths
- Models
- Tensors
- Measurements (HSI Cubes, etc.)
- Calibration Information
- Processing Contexts
- Parameter Lists
- Device Enumeration
- Devices
- File I/O
The .NET API design of fluxEngine is currently not finalized and may be subject to minor alterations in the future.