Runnable Examples

fluxEngine comes with several example programs that the user may run. It also comes with two simple example cubes (reduced to a small size) and two example models.


The C++ examples can be found in the directory examples/cpp in the fluxEngine directory. It uses the CMake build system to build the various examples.

As a first step the user must modify the file examples/cpp/paths.h and adjust the following paths:

  • g_licenseFileName – the path to the license file for fluxEngine

  • g_driverDirectory – the path to the directory containing the device drivers (may be left as-is if no device-specific examples are to be tested)

  • g_recordingCubeFileName – the name of the ENVI file that will be written by the examples that generate ENVI recordings

In paths.h there are two different path definitions, depending on the operating system.

  • On Windows the paths should be specified as a std::wstring so that Unicode paths will work.

    (It is also possible to specify them as a std::string on Windows, but then only the local code page (CP_ACP) is used to encode the file names, which may mean that some file names cannot be represented in this manner.)

  • On Linux and macOS the paths must be specified as a std::string as these platforms always encoude their paths in 8bit.


On Windows it should be noted that the directory separator, \, must be escaped as \\ in a C/C++ string. For example, write L"C:\\Users\\developer\\Desktop\\fluxEngine.lic", which the C++ compiler will then interpret correctly as the path C:\Users\developer\Desktop\fluxEngine.lic.

After paths.h has been adjusted, CMake must be run. The same CMake snippet that is described in Building with CMake is used here, so the user must specify the base directory for fluxEngine as an argument to CMake.

The following console snippet shows how this may be done on Windows:

C:\Users\developer\Documents\fluxEngine-latest\examples\cpp> mkdir build
C:\Users\developer\Documents\fluxEngine-latest\examples\cpp> cd build
C:\Users\developer\Documents\fluxEngine-latest\examples\cpp\build> cmake -G "GENERATOR" .. -D FLUXENGINE_DIR=C:\Users\developer\Documents\fluxEngine-latest

The GENERATOR should be replaced with the correct generator for the compiler in use, e.g. cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A "x64" for Visual Studio 2019 or cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" for MinGW.

The following console snippet shows how this may be done on Linux:

/home/developer/fluxEngine-latest/examples/cpp$ mkdir build
/home/developer/fluxEngine-latest/examples/cpp$ cd build
/home/developer/fluxEngine-latest/examples/build$ cmake .. -D FLUXENGINE_DIR=/home/developer/fluxEngine-latest

After CMake has run the examples may now be built. This may either be done via cmake --build from the command line, or, alterantively, via the development tools directly.

The following sections describe the available examples.

There are several helper methods that may be found in helpers.h and helpers.cpp. They exist for handling file-names properly in a cross-plattform way. On Windows systems the function encodeFileNameForConnectionParameter() may be of particular interest, as it shows how to properly encode filenames for device connection parameters.


The .NET examples can be found in the directory examples/dotnet in the fluxEngine package.

As a first step the user must modify the file examples/dotnet/ExampleHelpers/Paths.cs and adjust the following paths:

  • LicenseFileName – the path to the license file for fluxEngine

  • DriverDirectory – the path to the directory containing the device drivers (may be left as-is if no device-specific examples are to be tested)

  • RecordingCubeFileName – the name of the ENVI file that will be written by the examples that generate ENVI recordings

The examples have the same functionality as the corresponding C++ examples with the same name and produce approximately the same output.

To compile the examples, open the solution file dotnet.sln in the examples/dotnet directory in Visual Studio. That solution contains all examples as individual projects.


The user must have configured the nuget package source first before opening the solution in Visual Studio, otherwise Visual Studio will not be able to find the fluxEngine.NET nuget package and automatically install it.


The Python examples can be found in the directory examples/python in the fluxEngine directory.

As a first step the user must modify the file examples/python/ and adjust the following paths:

  • licenseFileName – the path to the license file for fluxEngine

  • driverDirectory – the path to the directory containing the device drivers (may be left as-is if no device-specific examples are to be tested)

  • recordingCubeFileName – the name of the ENVI file that will be written by the examples that generate ENVI recordings

The examples have the same functionality as the corresponding C++ examples with the same name and produce approximately the same output.

Example Programs