Abundance Determination Filter

Determines the abundnaces of input data with respect to a given list of endmembers.


category_decomposition Decomposition




InteractionType: determines the list of basis vectors for the abundances (see below)

Constraints: which additional constraints to apply to the abundances. By default (Unconstrained) only a linear projection is done, which may cause some abundances to become negative. There are other constraints (see below) that perform an iterative algorithm to enforce certain mathematical properties.

Iterations: the maximum number of iterations to perform when applying the constraints

Output Configuration: allows the user to enable the optional outputs


Input: the input data

Endmembers: the endmembers to calculate the abundances for


Abundance: the abundances

Explained Spectra: the portion of the input spectrum that is explained by the abundances

Error: the difference between the explained spectrum and the input spectra (this is also a spectrum)

Effect of the Filter

The filter is generally used in combination with the Endmember Extraction Filter. It calculates the abundances for a given set of basis vectors.

The basis vectors are determined by the InteractionType parameter:

  • If InteractionType is SingleOnly, the basis vectors are just the endmembers that were provided via the second input of this filter

  • If InteractionType is DoubleOnly, the basis vectors are all pairwise coefficientwise products of all endmembers. For example, if three endmembers \mathbf{e}^1, \mathbf{e}^2 and \mathbf{e}^3 were provided, then the basis vectors will be given by \left(\mathbf{b}^{12}\right)_{i} = \left(\mathbf{e}^{1}\right)_{i} \left(\mathbf{e}^{2}\right)_{i}, \left(\mathbf{b}^{13}\right)_{i} = \left(\mathbf{e}^{1}\right)_{i} \left(\mathbf{e}^{3}\right)_{i}, and \left(\mathbf{b}^{23}\right)_{i} = \left(\mathbf{e}^{2}\right)_{i} \left(\mathbf{e}^{3}\right)_{i}.

  • If InteractionType is SingleAndDouble, the basis vectors are the basis vectors of the SingleOnly case combined with the basis vectors of the DoubleOnly case. (For 2 endmembers this would mean 3 basis vectors; for 3 endmembers 6, for 4 endmembers 10, etc.)

The filter will attempt to represent the input data by a linear combination of the basis vectors, i.e.

\mathbf{y} = \sum_{k=1}^{n} a_k \mathbf{b}^k + \mathbf{g}

where a_k is the k-th abundance, \mathbf{g} is the error, and \mathbf{y} is the input vector.

There are various constraints under which these coefficients can be determined:

  • In the Unconstrained case a simple projection onto the basis is performed (this is mathematically equivalent to performing an ordinary least squares fit). The abundances are then any real number.

  • The SumToOne constraint will cause the sum of the abundances to be equal to one (as best as numerically possible), \sum_{k=1}^{n} a_k \approx 1.

  • The Nonnegative and Semi-Nonnegative constraints will attempt to avoid negative values for the abundnaces, i.e. a_k > 0, using two different matrix factorization algorithms in the iteration sequence.

See also