

The .NET API of fluxEngine requires at least .NET Standard 2.0. Some features may only be available with newer .NET versions.

The .NET API of fluxEngine is tested on Windows with a x64 CPU.

Using nuget to install fluxEngine’s .NET API

LuxFlux provides nuget packages for fluxEngine’s .NET API. This provides an easy integration with Microsoft Visual Studio.

To make use of the package, right-click on the Dependencies element of the .NET project that should make use of fluxEngine, and select Manage NuGet Packages....

Screenshot of the menu how to open the NuGet package manager for the selected project.

This will open the NuGet package manager for that project.

The first time fluxEngine is to be added to a specific LuxFlux project, an additional package source needs to be configured. Click on the settings icon next to Package source...:

Screenshot of the settings button for the NuGet package sources

This will open the settings for the package manager. There add a new package source for the LuxFlux packages. Choose a descriptive name (such as LuxFlux) and use the URL

as the package source (don’t forget to click on the Update button):

Screenshot of the NuGet package sources dialog after adding the LuxFlux package repository

Then close the dialog with Ok and in the list of package sources, select LuxFlux, and select choose the Browse tab to view all available packages:

Screenshot of the available NuGet packages in the LuxFlux package repository

Select the package LuxFlux.fluxEngineNET for the .NET API for fluxEngine, and then click on the Install button:

Screenshot of the screen showing the LuxFlux.fluxEngineNET package immediately before installation

Visual Studio will now download the package together with all of its dependencies (this may take a while, depending on the internet connection), and then show a dialog asking the user for confirmation they want to add the package as a dependency of the current project:

Screenshot of the confirmation dialog for adding fluxEngine's .NET API as a dependency to the current project

After that the LuxFlux.fluxEngineNET package will exist as a dependency of the current project and can immediately be used for software development.

Simple Test Code

The following simple test code may be used to verify that fluxEngine indeed works with the project:

Console.WriteLine($"Using fluxEngine version {LuxFlux.fluxEngineNET.Version.String}");

Package Contents

The package contains the .NET assembly fluxEngineNET.dll that contains the .NET API.

It also references a native NuGet package LuxFlux.fluxEngine.native.Windows.x64, which contains the actual implementation of fluxEngine for Windows on x64 CPUs. That package consists of the following files:

  • In runtimes/win-x64/native various DLLS and an executable that are the implementation of fluxEngine as well as its third-party native dependencies. (These are the same files that are also part of the native fluxEngine ZIP package.)

  • In licenses the licenses of the third-party dependencies.

Visual Studio will automatically copy the files in runtimes/win-x64/native next to the executable that is being built, so they can be found by the .NET API. When deploying fluxEngine the user should take care to also install the native runtimes in the correct directory, as well as the third-party license texts.


The fluxDriverIsolation.exe executable that allows fluxEngine to talk to drivers is included in the NuGet packages, but the drivers for individual cameras aren’t. These still need to be downloaded and deployed separately.