Version Information


inline std::string fluxEngine::versionString()

Get the version string for the currently loaded fluxEngine.

The string returned should not be parsed by the user, and the user should not make any assumptions based on the format of the string. It is purely for informational purposes, if the user of fluxEngine wants to show that string to the end-user, for example. If version-based checks are to be done, please use versionMajor() and versionMinor() instead.

This function can only fail if the allocation of a std::string fails, in which case std::bad_alloc will be thrown.


The version string for the currently loaded fluxEngine


inline int fluxEngine::versionMajor() noexcept

Get the major version of the currently loaded fluxEngine.

This function will never fail.


The major version of fluxEngine


inline int fluxEngine::versionMinor() noexcept

Get the minor version of the currently loaded fluxEngine.

This function will never fail.


The minor version of fluxEngine